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Welcome to MukoCell®.

MukoCell® – Advanced therapy medicinal products –
The MukoCell® procedure is an approved and established procedure in Germany. In Germany, more than 200 patients have already been treated with the MukoCell® procedure. The clinical data in a follow-up period of up to 36 months show that the procedure is safe and effective.

The MukoCell GmbH is a biotechnology company, headquartered in Dortmund / Germany, which specializes in the production, development and distribution of laboratory-produced patient-derived tissue substitutes for organ reconstruction.

The tissue substitute (MukoCell®), which originates from the company’s own research and development, is the world’s first tissue product (ATMP) in urology manufactured from the patient’s own cells. The advanced therapy medicinal product MukoCell® is an oral mucosal graft grown from the patient’s own cells for the reconstruction of the urethra.

Urethral stricture: urethral reconstruction with laboratory-prepared tissue substitute

MukoCell® is a gentle alternative to conventional transplantation with native oral mucosa. The tissue substitute, grown from the patient’s own cells, integrates into the surrounding tissue within a short time and develops into new, fully functional urethral tissue. More information on the topic Urethral stricture you can also find on Wikipedia.



Otto-Hahn-Straße 15
44227 Dortmund


0049 231 97426370 (Fon)
0049 231 97426370 (Fax)

